A custom pool in the backyard of an El Paso home.

Saltwater vs Chlorine: Which is Best for Your Custom Pool?

Are you working on a custom pool in El Paso? Are you torn between choosing saltwater or chlorine for your water? Here, we will lay out the pros and cons of each water option for custom pools. 

At Bomanite Artistic Concrete & Pools, located in El Paso, TX, we offer premiere decorative options for all custom pools. If you’re searching for a quality craftsman, search no more! Call us at (915) 533-6497 to schedule an appointment.

Pros and Cons

Designing your pool is only part of the journey. You also have to decide what kind of water you want inside of it! Saltwater and chlorine are the most popular options. Read below for a list of the pros and cons of using saltwater and chlorine in custom pools

Chlorine Pools


  • Non-Corrosive- Unlike saltwater, chlorine doesn’t cause any damage to the major parts of custom pools. Because of its non-corrosive properties, you won’t have to pay for replacement parts. 


  • Few Upfront Costs- All water tests and chemical balancing can be done by yourself, so there’s no need to pay a professional. You can also perform DIY maintenance when it’s needed. 



  • Chemical Storage- Chlorine must be stored in a secure location, which can be an issue for homes with limited space or small children. 


  • Chemical Irritation- Though chlorine can sanitize custom pools, the chemicals can irritate your skin, eyes, and throat and can cause damage to your bathing suits. It also has a strong smell to it, which most people don’t care for. 

Saltwater Pools


  • Fewer Chemicals- Saltwater custom pools use significantly fewer chemicals that are easier on your eyes and skin; they also won’t discolor bathing suits and towels. 


  • Cheaper Maintenance- Pool salt costs a lot less than chlorine and the additional chemicals required to keep your custom pool clean. Not only are they cheaper to maintain, but they also require less maintenance. 



  • Salt is Corrosive- Saltwater can corrode metal in and around the pool, including furniture and grills. If the paving around your custom pool is made of natural stone, it can also break down over time. 


  • Higher Upfront Costs- The upfront costs are much higher than chlorinated custom pools. The chlorine generator alone can cost between $500-$2000. You will also need to hire a professional to make any repairs. 

Custom Pools in El Paso

At Bomanite Artistic Concrete & Pools, located in El Paso, we install quality custom pools with your water solution of choice. Call (915) 533-6497 today to get started!

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